TSI overview

博大精深的中华优秀传统文化是我们在世界文化激荡中站稳脚跟的根基。 … 中华传统美德是中华文化精髓,蕴含着丰富的思想道德资源。不忘本来才能开辟未来,善于继承才能更好创新。
- Our undergraduate education is designed to be a model for other institutions due to its heavy investment in the latest teaching techniques: most notably, active learning and scientific teaching.
- The Tan School has enacted a cluster hiring strategy focusing on emerging areas of the life sciences to promote cutting edge research, securing Fudan’s competitive edge for years to come.
- TSI faculty are distinguished researchers and educators with an impressive list of teaching awards, accomplishments, and publications.
- The school’s students, faculty, and staff share a sense of community, a collective goal to improve both the quality of research and education.
The Tan School offers majors that cover the breadth and depth of the life sciences, with the following core principles:
- An active-learning approach: at TSI, undergraduates are introduced to biology using cutting edge teaching techniques that do NOT center around lectures. In active-learning classrooms, students are allowed to drive both discussion and discovery. This approach of pedagogy has become the preferred model for many institutions in the United States and earned great praise from the US National Academy of Sciences, the Howard Hughes Foundation, and even the journal Science.
- A unique undergraduate experience. This includes signature programs such as BIOS and AIBS.
- Strong student support: the Tan school has robust student services; we offer advising by award-winning staff, workshops, and specialized support for students interested in health careers and undergraduate research.
Our passion to discover infuses everything we do. At TSI, faculty and students work side by side to advance knowledge, working on a broad range of real-world topics such as ecology, food problem, and human health.
- High-impact research Even as you read, TSI researchers are making critical discoveries across many fields of the life sciences. A few examples include insights into cardiovascular disease, light responses in plants, and RNA metabolism.
- World-class facilities TSI is part of one of the largest research universities in the world and our facilities reflect this investment. Please have a look at our list of facilities.
- Field research resources The Tan school is home to two unique field research stations – Tianmu mountain, and Dongtan wetland. Both are key starting points for beginning the TSI undergraduate experience.
In fall 2015, we had xxxx total undergraduates, xxxx of them freshmen. xxxx percent of these freshmen graduated in the top 10 percent of their high school class.
TSI students are incredibly bright and driven to make a difference. They are not only high-achieving in academics but also well-rounded and engaged in the community as volunteers. Many are also involved in research in faculty labs with their own funding source.
- Student standouts TSI undergraduates have won XXXX Scholarships, YYYY Awards and many university honors. More about our award-winning students.
- Undergraduate research All students, no matter when they begin their journey with us, go through an undergraduate research experience. Many end up in faculty labs. Have a look at what they have to say about their experiences.
We have xxxx tenured and tenure-track faculty, and two Chinese National Academy of Science members.
Faculty at the Tan School are not only outstanding researchers, but excel at educating undergraduates and mentoring graduate students. Because the range of the TSI curriculum spans from molecules to ecosystems, we attract top talent from across the disciplines of science.
- Strategic investment in research Last three years, the school embarked on a cluster hiring initiative designed to create a critical mass of researchers in key emerging areas of the life sciences. These include: microbial systems and synthetic biology, functional proteomics, genomic variation, high-content screening and animal models of human diseases.
- Extraordinary educators At TSI, we make it our mission to have classroom talent as good as our research talent. With a strong emphasis on active learning and scientific teaching, we strive to bring the classroom closer to the students so the education we provide is as useful as possible.